Three traditional ways to get rid of bed bugs Fighting bed bugs in Kuwait Fighting bed bugs in Kuwait

Three traditional ways to get rid of bed bugs Fighting bed bugs in Kuwait Fighting bed bugs in Kuwait

Three traditional ways to get rid of bed bugs Fighting bed bugs in Kuwait Fighting bed bugs in Kuwait

Bed bugs are small, flat, wingless insects that are reddish-brown in color and about a quarter inch long (the size and shape of a small apple seed). They hide during the day in beds and in crevices, floors and furniture and come out at night. They do not fly or jump but can crawl quickly.


Where do bed bugs hide?

Bed bugs may enter your home undetected through used luggage, clothing, beds, sofas, and other items. Helped by their flat bodies that fit in small spaces, they are about the width of a credit card.

Bed bugs do not make nests like ants or bees but tend to live in groups in their hiding places. Their primary hiding places are usually in mattresses, bed frames, and headboards where they are easy to reach for biting people at night.

However, over time, they may spread in the bedroom and move to any crevice or place. These insects may also spread to nearby rooms or apartments.

Because bed bugs live only on blood, their presence in your home is not a sign of filth. You are as likely to find them in clean homes and hotel rooms as they are in filthy homes.


When do bugs attack humans?

Bed bugs are mainly active at night and usually bite people while they are sleeping. They feed by piercing the skin and drawing blood through an elongated beak. The insects feed for three to 10 minutes, becoming engorged and full of blood, and then crawl away unnoticed.





Three traditional ways to get rid of bed bugs

1- Use an insecticide

 If you don't like home remedies to get rid of bed bugs, you can resort to insecticides. Pyrethrin and pyrethroid are two types of common insecticides used to kill bed bugs.

With regard to insecticides, the toxicity of these pesticides is relatively low to pets and humans, and they are also fast-acting.

It also requires a low dose to kill insects. The drawback, however, is that some bed bugs are resistant to these chemicals. In this case, you may need to use an alternative insecticide such as pyrroles such as chlorfenapir or nicotinoids, which are synthetic versions of nicotine.


Pros: Effective, fast acting, ideal for killing bed bugs in homes and hotels.

Cons: May contain toxic chemicals that some people do not want to use in their homes.


 2- Use the dryer

Desiccants are substances that kill insects by destroying their protective shell. Without this coating, insects dry up and die.

Two common desiccants are silica gel and diatomaceous earth. Bed bugs cannot become resistant to dried materials and these materials have a high kill rate.


Pros: Relatively safe, effective, and easy to apply.

Cons: Can be messier and require more regular reapplication than insecticides.


3- Insect bomb

What kills bed bugs instantly? Insect bombs.

Fog devices and bug bombs kill bed bugs and are good solutions for getting rid of bedbugs. However, they are highly toxic to both humans and pets and will require you to evacuate your home while applying these solutions.


Pros: Effective and fast solution.

Cons: Dangerous, highly toxic, and cannot get into crevices where bed bugs hide, so they may be less effective than direct application.


Bed bug traps can be placed at the legs of furniture to catch bed bugs and prevent them from climbing onto the legs of the furniture. Follow the instructions below to create your own trap traps.

Gather the tools you need to make your own traps:

1. Two clean plastic containers with a side over 1 inch tall and place the smaller container into the larger container. Leftover junk food thrown in the trash is a great bait option.

2. Get a masking tape and cover it with a coarse texture (talcum powder).

3. Follow these instructions to make a trap.

4. Make sure the small container is big enough to put a sofa leg or bed inside

5. Put duct tape around the outside of the large container so bed bugs can easily climb into the container.

6. Glue the two containers together so that the small container is in the larger container.

7. Sprinkle a little talcum powder on the bottom of the pots. Talc is a slippery substance and will keep bed bugs inside the container.

8. Make enough traps to place under each leg of infected furniture such as beds, sofas or chairs.

9. Check and clean the traps every week. Reapply talcum powder.

10. Dispose of captured bed bugs in a zip-type plastic bag or a resealable bag.


How to keep bed bugs out of your home

When it comes to pest control, preventing an infestation is always easier than controlling it later. With that in mind, here are some ways to prevent bed bugs from infesting your home:


To prevent bed bugs from infecting your clothing, be vigilant. When you're staying in a hotel, keep your bag on a bag stand instead of on the floor. Wash all of your clothes when you get home and put them in the dryer on high heat.

Be careful when buying used furniture. Check all new and used furniture before bringing it indoors, including checking all seams, joints, seams, and under cushions.

Purchase a hypoallergenic plastic sheet or cover for your mattress and furniture to prevent bed bugs from entering the textiles.

Get rid of clutter that may help bed bugs hide in your home. Papers, magazines, clothes, and other items on the floor should be disposed of and beds and wardrobes cleaned regularly.

Vacuum your mattress and floors regularly. Wash all sheets, clothing, and textiles at least once a week in hot water.

Use caulk to seal cracks, vents, light sockets, and furniture so bed bugs don't hide in them.

Check for bed bugs in hotels, hostels, and guest rooms.

While cleaning infested areas will be helpful in controlling bed bugs, getting rid of them usually requires chemical treatments. Since treating your bed and bedroom with insecticides can be harmful, it is important to use products that can be used safely in bedrooms.

It is generally safer and more effective to hire an experienced pest control professional to exterminate bed bugs.

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