How do you know if you have bed bugs at home and how to combat them in Kuwait and their growth stages

How do you know if you have bed bugs at home and how to combat them in Kuwait and their growth stages

Bed bugs are global insects and we can find them in any part of the world with a temperate climate and in any facility with a low temperature. Although these insects have been with us for millions of years, in recent times the increased movement of people between cities and countries along with the globalization of goods has helped spread the pests of this bloodsucking. We use public transportation such as trains, buses, planes, our accommodation in hotels, hostels, tourist apartments, etc. for commuting. It greatly increases the ease with which these insects slip in our bags and among our personal belongings and move from one place to another and from one place to another. The more people move into the city and the more tourism, the more easily these insects can turn into an epidemic. Bed bugs: general characteristics Cimex lectularius, commonly known as bed bugs or bed bugs. It is a half-winged insect of the family Cimicidae. It has 6 oval legs and is reddish-brown in color. adult size is about 5 mm, They do not have wings (archaeal), they have a pair of prominent black compound eyes and a pair of very fine antennae. The mouth is of a sucking type, elongated and thanks to which it can feed. They present sexual dimorphism, that is, males and females differ in the last part of the abdomen, since in the female it is more rounded and in the males it is more pointed. In the latter part of the body, they have glands that cause them to secrete an oily substance that generates a "characteristic bed bug odor" that smells like moisture. Bed bug life cycle Throughout its life cycle, it goes through three stages of development: egg, larva or nymph (5 stages of development) and adult. Adults can live between 6 months and 2 years. The average life cycle length is about 8-9 weeks. Bed bugs develop through a simple metamorphosis, and this means that young individuals are very similar to adults, the only thing is that they are smaller in size and the color is also different. The first stages are light or cream in color and then darken at each stage, until they reach their characteristic reddish-brown colour. They mate through traumatic insemination. Often, the male causes the death of the female. Fertilized females lay eggs individually in crevices, pits, furniture, walls, etc... Each female can lay approximately 3 eggs per day and will produce 200-500 eggs throughout her life. The eggs hatch about 7-10 days after being laid, after which the five nymphal stages last about 6-8 weeks. To move from the nymph stage to the next, they need to take blood from their victims, similarly the females need to take blood before breeding. They are community insects, meaning that they usually live in groups. What do bed bugs eat? It is their way of feeding that causes us discomfort, because they feed on blood, that is, they feed on our blood. Mainly from human blood but also from warm-blooded animals. They have a mouth adapted to draw blood and while extracting it, they secrete substances that make us not notice the sting while they are extracting blood. They take about 15 minutes to draw blood from their victims and usually need to nurse every 3-5 days. They feed mainly at night, while we sleep, and are attracted to them by our heat and the carbon dioxide we emit when we breathe, which is why they usually hide in areas very close to our comfort zones. It is important to note that despite the fact that they are blood-sucking insects, bed bugs, unlike blood-sucking insects such as mosquitoes, fleas or ticks, do not transmit any disease and the harm they can cause us is due to the inconvenience of their bites. , but there is no type of disease associated with a bite. How do you know if you have bed bugs at home? Most of the time, our first sign of bed bugs is that we see their bites on our bodies. What do bed bug bites look like? If bites appear on our body, it is important to consult our doctor, so that he can determine their source with complete reliability, but here we give you some small clues to distinguish them from other insects: They usually line up A few or many may appear in groups depending on the level of infection It is easier for them to show up in those areas that we left naked when sleeping. It is very difficult to recognize bed bugs only by bites,

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