Tropical bed bugs are one of the types of bedbugs and how to combat and eliminate them

Tropical bed bugs are one of the types of bedbugs and how to combat and eliminate them

Tropical bed bugs are one of the types of bedbugs and how to combat and eliminate them Tropical bed bugs are parasites that feed on human blood like other species and also have the same habits and conditions that they need to survive. When bitten, a person suffers from itching, irritation and redness of the skin, and these insects cause other problems that we will learn about in this article. In tropical regions of the world such as Asia, this species is the most widespread. External description of these insects They have a small, oval and flattened body and their bodies are reddish-brown in color and are usually about a quarter of an inch to 5/8 inch long for adults. Since they are wingless, not all species are able to fly. Where do tropical bed bugs spread? It doesn't mean that you are completely protected from bug infestations just because you don't live in tropical or warm regions. You may be at risk of taking these insects home with you if you go to Florida. Tropical bugs are small in size and can hide in luggage, furniture, etc. Also without feeding these insects are able to survive for a suitable period of time. life cycle This insect goes through several periods of nymph's life in which body shape and feeding activity closely correspond to adulthood. The two halves of the species have been shown to hatch anywhere from 4 to 12 days after the eggs are laid before growing into an adult. This species goes through five nymphal stages, with each period of nymphs feeding the human blood. Each of the first four nymphs has a growth time of 3-4 days while the fifth nymph takes 4-5 days to mature. Adults live anywhere from 6 to 12 months and females usually live longer than males. What do tropical bed bugs feed on? These insects feed by puncturing blood vessels and drawing fluids, and are able to withstand long times of starvation. Adults routinely live without food for four months, and a survival period of more than eighteen months without food has been recorded. Compared to the volume of blood meals, males and females differ, with females taking approximately twice as much blood servings as males. They hide in crevices during the day because they do not like light and have also been known to prefer their accommodation to wood, paper, textiles and linen. They eat at night and take approximately 3-5 minutes to swallow the host's blood and then return to their burrows afterwards. These insects are capable of stinging hosts sleeping within 20 feet of their shelter. Symptoms caused by tropical bed bugs These insects do not transmit serious diseases, but to their human hosts they cause problems and inconveniences and cause people to lose sleep. People experience allergic reactions or irritation and redness of the skin from a bed bug bite. Infested areas appear to have a foul odor and also appear as red spots due to bed bug secretions sticking to furniture and walls. To combat these insects, follow these steps • When checking holes and cracks, use a lamp and check all carpets, electrical outlets, boxes, panels, etc. • In all potential shelter areas use cleaning agents or insecticides. • In hot water, wash curtains, pillows and linen covers. • Remove and handle all pictures, murals, and other furniture. • Get rid of upholstery, linen, upholstery, etc. that are most infested. • Also use the vacuum cleaner to clean all the furniture. Are there companies responsible for getting rid of these insects? Of course there are and we will show you the most famous companies in the Arab world, especially Kuwait. If you cannot get rid of these insects on your own, you should use a company because controlling them is necessary so that they do not cause you any problems. Here are the best companies, as follows: • Tropical Bed Bug Control Company, Hawally. • Al Ahmadi Tropical Bed Bug Control Company. Also, Abdullah Al-Mubarak Tropical Bed Bug Control Company. • Tropical Bed Bug Control Company, Salmiya. Al-Jahra Tropical Bed Bug Control Company. • Also, Mubarak Al-Kabeer Tropical Bed Bug Control Company. Keyword Tropical bed bugs Description Tropical bed bugs feed on human blood and although they do not cause serious problems, they are a nuisance so it is important to know how to control them.

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