Natural ways to get rid of bedbugs

Natural ways to get rid of bedbugs

Natural ways to get rid of bedbugs Bedbugs are one of the most annoying insects, especially when you are on the bed, as they take away sleep and cause you a lot of anxiety, so we are pleased to discuss with you ways to get rid of bedbugs, but they are natural methods so as not to cause you any side effects or health problems. General information about bedbugs We all hear the word bug and know that it is an insect, but we do not know its characteristics, so we are pleased to explain to you the features of the formality of bugs so that it is easier for you to identify them if you see them. Bedbugs are reddish-brown insects, measuring from 1 mm to 7 mm in length. Although they depend on blood to keep them alive, they can spend several months between feedings. Since the female bedbug lays up to 500 eggs in her life, which eventually leads to the infestation of bedbugs within a week. Unlike mosquitoes and ticks, which are also blood-eating insects, bedbugs cannot fly, so they prefer to hide near their food source and wait until a meal becomes available to them. Therefore, bed bugs are highly adaptable insects and can live anywhere such as pillows or a library carpet as long as they have access to their regular meals. When you fall asleep, these creatures come out and attack you fiercely, as they bite you through their horns, which they use to pierce your skin and suck your blood, but you do not feel pain at the same moment they bite you because they put a strong but temporary analgesic for you, so you will not feel pain until morning. Do you know what your home could be an attractive place for bedbugs? Now you are definitely wondering why I have been infected with bedbugs, I clean my house constantly and you cannot suffer from bedbugs, but unfortunately this belief is very wrong, there are many main causes of bedbugs. Come to know them: • Buying used furniture and bringing it into the house Bed bugs can enter your space through luggage • Contamination from a hotel or resort Bed bugs may get into your clothes or luggage and bring home with you. • New people staying in your house Guests may come to stay in your house, unknowingly bringing bed bugs with them • Bed bugs can move between rooms in apartment complexes and hotels. Signs of an infestation of bedbugs in your home Bed bugs are very small, usually no larger than the tip of a pen, so it may be difficult to detect at first. If you think you may be infested with bugs, we will now give you some signs that will help you discover if you have bugs or not, and these signs are: • Bites and bruises in the morning after getting out of bed. • Small blood spots on sheets and pillowcases • An unpleasant smell in your room or around your bed, and some may think that it is the smell of dirty clothes. How to get rid of bedbugs? From these relationships, you have discovered that you have bedbugs. You are definitely looking for safe ways to get rid of them before resorting to specialized companies to exterminate insects. Therefore, we would like to show you natural and healthy ways to eliminate these pests: Use the vacuum cleaner Vacuuming sucks up these pests, so be careful about vacuuming places like mattresses, bedding, and soft furniture like sofas and comfortable chairs. Pay special attention to carpets, floors, and any cracks in walls or floorboards, and check electrical appliances such as fans and even your laptop for signs of infection. When you're done vacuuming, get the vacuum cleaner bag out and as far from your home as possible. Steam cleaning For places that the vacuum cleaner cannot reach, steam cleaning is one of the preferred options in this case as the heat will kill bed bugs and eggs as they die if they are exposed to temperatures above 140 degrees Fahrenheit It is worth noting that you must follow the instructions of the steam cleaner carefully to avoid damaging your furniture. Washing all clothes and furniture Check your labels to make sure the fabrics can withstand hot water and drying and then wash whatever has been exposed to these critters. The hot water and heat of the dryer will help eliminate these pests. tea tree Tea tree oil is an essential oil that smells fresh and has antimicrobial properties, so it does double duty as a cleaning agent in your home. It kills bacteria and fungi and kills viruses on contact. It works on these insects by suffocating them however it is more effective when used undiluted Unfortunately the undiluted version is not safe for humans however you may see some benefits or at least a pleasant smell in the house by spraying undiluted tea tree oil all over the house to make the diluted formula Put about 20 drops of the oil into a spray bottle filled with water. lavender The smell of lavender makes bed bugs nauseous and can even kill them. However, most humans find the scent to be very pleasant. Three times the effectiveness of this solution by washing the items with lavender soap, spraying diluted essential oils and spreading the leaves over the affected areas. Mint leaves Mint leaves have the same effect as lavender oil and its leaves. Use the same strategies and don't forget to clean the old papers regularly and replace them with new ones until the bugs are gone black walnut tea This type of tea is a natural insect repellent. To apply this strategy, simply take used tea bags and place them in insect infested areas. Place them around the house in every corner. lemongrass Unlike some other natural solutions that only repel insects, lemongrass actually kills them plus they hate the smell so it also works as a repellent. Did you know that bed bugs were nearly eradicated in the 1940s? But starting in 1995, its spread in homes and hotels is still a mystery, but researchers believe it was a combination of increased travel, resistance to pesticides, and people forgetting how difficult these creatures were that allowed them to return with such a vengeance. Fortunately there are a variety of effective solutions that you can

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