harmful insects, their types and ways to get rid of them

harmful insects, their types and ways to get rid of them

Harmful insects, their types and ways to get rid of them Harmful insects are species that cause harm to humans, their livestock, crops, and property all over the world. These insects are divided into direct pests in that they attack the body of the organism and suck blood or eat, and indirect pests mostly transmit pathogens or disease-causing parasites. American oil beetle • American oil beetle is a very harmful insect that can be found in different areas • It is also known as the oil beetle because it emits a chemical called cantridine that causes severe irritation to human skin. • It is easy to identify this type of harmful insects because of their dull black or blue skin color • It usually ranges in size from 7 mm to 17 mm • It is slow moving because it cannot fly. Aphids are harmful insects • They are insects that feed on leaves, usually in gardens or trees. • As well as aphids also produce large amounts of sticky secretions known as aphids that often turn black with the growth of mold fungus. • Some types of aphids can inject a poison into plants, which leads to wrinkling of the leaves and further distortion of growth. • Aphids may transmit viruses from one plant to another. The White Termite • They may sting or sting, but they are not poisonous. • But it carries diseases harmful to humans • But once the homes are infected with termites, humans may suffer from allergies or even asthma. The bullet ant is a harmful insect • Lead ants are the largest among all ants in the world. • These insects use their lower jaw and mouth to pinch the skin if they feel threatened. • The one-inch bullet ant is also known as the “24-hour ant” because of the whole day's pain followed by its sting. fire ants • Ants stings are completely different from ant stings. If a fire ant stings you, for example, it injects poison with its sting. • This sting is painful and the poison can lead to serious problems that are not only annoying but may even threaten life in some cases. • Symptoms of a fire ant sting vary from person to person, as it leads to pain, swelling, redness and itching around the sting mark. • Nausea, diarrhea, stomach cramps, dizziness, chest pain, and difficulty breathing may also occur. The Japanese giant hornet is one of the most harmful insects • It is the largest species of wasps in the world • Japanese hornet venom can cause an allergic reaction • It may destroy tissue within a short period of time and sometimes even take people to hospital. • In very rare cases, it may lead to death • Up to 40 deaths are recorded each year from Japanese hornet stings. tsetse flies • A bite from a tsetse fly is a very unpleasant experience as it is the most dangerous biting insect. • Where her mouth contains small serrations that stick to your skin. • There are several types of tsetse fly that can transmit diseases • Among the most dangerous are parasites that cause “sleeping sickness” or “human African trypanosomiasis”. • About half a million people lost their lives in tsetse fly attacks in Africa. Tomato worm from harmful insects • As the name suggests, tomatoes are susceptible to this insect. • Where this worm begins to feed on the leaves in the upper parts of plants and may not be noticed until most of the damage has occurred. • When they feed, they create dark green or black droppings that are clearly visible. tick • In most cases, you do not feel the tick bite at first, but it can be painful even if the tick is removed. • It may cause some damage to the capillaries and tissues. • Tick bites are often harmless and in this case do not cause any noticeable symptoms and some ticks can transmit diseases to humans and pets when bitten. Among these diseases Lyme disease • Rocky Mountain spotted fever • Tick fever in Colorado • Tularemia • Ehrlichiosis Ways to get rid of harmful insects The ways to get rid of harmful insects are many and varied, but we will show you the most important ways that you must follow in order to get rid of all harmful insects and make sure that you live a peaceful life • Maintaining the cleanliness of your home. • Constantly littering. • There are many insecticides that you can use to eliminate them. • Keep windows and doors closed. But if you find it difficult to get rid of them, it is better to resort to an expert and one of the best experts in Kuwait • Pest Control Company, Hawally. • Al Ahmadi Pest Control Company. • Also, Abdullah Al-Mubarak Pest Control Company. • Pest Control Company Salmiya. • The Jahra Pest Control Company. • Also, Mubarak Al-Kabeer Pest Control Company. Opening statement harmful insects Dead insects do not only cause you a lot of inconvenience, but also transmit many diseases to you and may lead to the loss of life, and today we will show you the most dangerous of them.

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