weevils, its damage, its danger, and the different ways to combat it and get rid of it

weevils, its damage, its danger, and the different ways to combat it and get rid of it

weevils, its damage, its danger, and the different ways to combat it and get rid of it Weevils are long-nosed insects that crawl or fly around the pantry and can be identified by their long nose. It does not affect humans, pets, or even home furnishings, but it damages grains and seeds and a large number of them can destroy food. There are two types of weevils: the type that invades food and the weevils that destroy plants. Either of them may be a nuisance inside the house, so these insects must be combated and eliminated. What does mites look like? Size: Most of these insects are oval in shape or slender in body and range in size from about 3 mm to more than 10 mm in length depending on the species. Color: Usually dark in color (brown to black). Head: The shape of the head is what distinguishes it most. There is an elongated head that forms its nose and at the end of the snout there is a mouth. Some weevils have a nose that is as long as the body. Other species, such as the cowpea weevil, have a different appearance than the typical weevil as they lack a long snout. Why do these insects enter the house? Weevils prefer warm, moist areas. Some species live among plants and lay their eggs in coiled leaves while others eat and reproduce within stored food products such as grain usually as they enter homes in search of food or shelter. Inside the food source of your choice, female weevils lay their eggs so that the developing larvae can be fed voraciously when they hatch. But these insects simply live and feed inside the food. Inside the seed or kernel of the grain, the female chews a hole, lays an egg inside, and then closes the hole, leaving behind the egg. When the egg hatches (inside the grain/seed) the larva feeds on the meat inside until it is fully developed. The adult weevil once fully mature makes its way out of the grain/seed. What is the danger of mites? Outdoors, they can kill garden plants, as indoor pests are more of a nuisance than a threat. Weevils contaminate infected foods with their faeces and skin, causing more harm than they consume. So infestation will render food stores inedible. Stored grains and seeds are invaded by these insects and can be very destructive and are very costly to damage so these insects must be combated. The most common types of stored products are: cowpea weevil, grain weevil and rice weevil Some weevils can become skeletal pests and these insects are a nuisance to homeowners because they often infest homes in large numbers. Some of them invade in the fall, hide during the winter and leave in the spring, and others invade in the summer when the weather starts to get hot. How to combat weevils? • Inspect all stored foods that you eat and infest, as mites can be seen outside the food area that they have infested. • To ensure that all insects are detected and removed, all foods inside the home must be inspected. • If you discover infested food or think it might be, instead of discarding the food you can control the mites by killing them You can heat the product to 140°F for 15 minutes or freeze at 0°F for three days You can kill the mites, their eggs, their pupae, and their larvae. • Once all food is removed, clean shelves and floor, paying close attention to shelf edges, floor and wall intersections and corners to ensure all insects are controlled and captured. • Empty the vacuum cleaner bag or dispose of it outside. • You must periodically check to combat these insects. • Ensure that all foods are in tightly closed containers or stored in the refrigerator or freezer to ensure infection control. Some tips to prevent infection: • Store foods in containers with tight fitting lids. • Do not put new, fresh food in with old food and always clean containers before refilling them. • Do not over-purchase food, just buy what you need and store the surplus in the refrigerator or freezer. • Keep pantry and other dining areas clean and free of crumbs and loose foods. • Clean up spills immediately. • keep food storage areas dry; Weevils are attracted to moisture. Companies specialized in combating these insects If you cannot control it, and if it spreads inside your home and penetrates, you should contact a specialized company. We will show you the best specialized companies to combat these insects in the Arab world, especially Kuwait: • Pest Control Company, Hawally. • Al-Ahmadi Pest Control Company. • Also Mubarak Al-Kabeer Pest Control Company. • Pest Control Company Salmiya.. • Al-Jahra Pest Control Company. • Also, Abdullah Al-Mubarak Pest Control Company. The keyword is licorice Description Weevils are insects that invade the home in search of food, causing a lot of damage. Learn about the different ways to combat and get rid of these insects.

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