A guide to identifying insects that infect your home

A guide to identifying insects that infect your home

A guide to identifying insects that infect your home


Whether you live in a house or an apartment, whether the property is old or new, it provides the perfect environment for young animals. If some insects are harmless or simply pass through, they can quickly turn into real enemies and cause great inconvenience to your home and quality of life.

In addition, some species pose health risks, reproduce quickly and can spread disease. In any case, to avoid infestation, it is important to know how to identify potential insects that could creep into your home and to identify the first signs of infestation in order to take appropriate action.

How to identify house insects?

Recognizing domestic insects is not an easy task. Since there are many types of insects that can invade your home, properly identifying an insect can be quite complex. This is why it is advisable to call an exterminator.

If an infestation occurs in your home, many objects or furniture may be bitten, punctured, or soiled. Moreover, they are one of the first signs to identify the presence of insects.

Insects are attracted to many things, such as: food, moisture, heat, darkness, water, etc. If in doubt, be sure to check any damp or dark places in the home for any signs of infestation.

It is essential to know how to recognize the different types in order to get rid of them quickly. To help you identify them, here is the basic order of insects and their characteristics:

The main orders of insects

Half wings arrangement

An order is a group of insects whose main representatives are bedbugs. All members of this order are distinguished by long antennae, barbed ends, and two pairs of wings.

All insects belonging to this order suck gnawing, and their morphology is made so that they are able to suck the sap of plants, the blood of another insect or, in the case of bed bugs, the blood of humans. Due to their intrusive feeding habits, these insects are able to withstand many diseases.

Coleoptera Medal

Coleoptera is the order of insects with the largest number of described species (more than 400,000 species have been identified and grouped into 500 families). These insects are easily recognizable thanks to their shell and pair of hard front wings such as weevils, beetles or beetles.

They are also characterized by chewing on their lower jaw and mouthparts that allow them to grind their food. In this sense, their diet is very diverse (plants, insects, droppings, etc.).


The arrangement of the winged ducts forms the so-called because it brings together three different layers: crickets, the famous crickets, and .

Less than 1% of the species interact with humans and are considered harmless. However, it affects hygiene and quality of life because it is a species that reproduces very quickly and in large numbers.


The order, of which fleas are a part, consists of insects that are distinguished by sucking mouth parts for biting. Due to the small size of fleas, they are difficult to identify with the naked eye, but they can destroy them as adults.

They are insects that live on the blood of their carriers. Since it is transmitted from person to person or from animal to animal, it can carry many diseases and be a source of many allergies.

Arrangement of Hymenoptera

Hymenoptera is an order of insects that is easily recognizable because it consists of ants, bees, wasps and hornets. It is a very diverse group of insects as it currently includes more than 130,000 species.

Hymenoptera is distinguished by two pairs of membranous wings and a chewing and licking mouthpart. It also has a wonderful property: a mother can decide the gender of her child. Carpenter ants are the most common species in homes.


How do we prevent pest infestation?


Common insects in homes in kuwait


There are several types of ants that can invade your home, the most common in kuwait are: the brown field ant, the pavement ant, and the borer ant.

Brown ant field?

Brown field ants are very common in kuwait. These small animals are between 2.2 mm and 3 mm in size brown or black in color. They live in very large colonies of 5,000-15,000 ants.

These ants are attracted to sweet foods that we can eat in our homes, but also to rotting or damp bits of wood. This is why you can find them in bathrooms as well as in the kitchen under leaky appliances or in attics where there may be abandoned wood.

Pavement ants?

As its name suggests, pavement ants are usually found outside the home, under paving stones. They are small, between 2.5 mm and 3 mm in size, and have a dull brown or black color. Their peculiarity is that they have an appendage that is lighter than the rest of the body and parallel lines on the head and chest.

Sidewalk ant nests are easy to spot because they form small mounds of sand that you can find on the ground or on the lawn. They are most active in the spring and early summer.

Digger ants?

Digger ants are the largest in this category. They are 6 mm to 13 mm long and are often black in colour.

Digger ants are social insects because they live in society and in a hierarchical order: queen, worker, warrior. The queens are usually the largest in the anthill.

Carving ants chew wood (they do not eat it) in order to make their nests, so if you notice sawdust in the same place and hear scratching sounds in the walls, you are likely dealing with a colony of carpenter ants. This can cause serious damage to the structure of your home.


Fleas are small, wingless insects with a flat body and 6 legs. It has a small size of 2.11 mm and a yellowish-brown color that can turn darker when filled with blood.

They are insects that live on the bodies of their bearers and feed on their blood. They are more frequent during hot and humid periods and can spread quickly by jumping from one body to another.


Cockroaches, also known as Cockroaches, or cockroaches, are nocturnal insects that enter your home in search of shelter and food. A cockroach infestation can threaten the health of your home and cause health problems (allergies, rashes, urinary tract infections, etc.).

In Kuwait, the two most common types of cockroaches are: the German cockroach and the American cockroach.

German cockroaches?

The German cockroach is the most common species in homes. They range from 10 mm to 16 mm in length and have a bronze or dark brown tint.

They are nocturnal species, so if you encounter them in broad daylight, you are in for a major invasion. German cockroaches are attracted to all kinds of food and droppings, so make sure you have impeccable hygiene in your home and don't leave litter boxes outside. They are also a species that reproduce very quickly, and therefore must be quickly identified in order to get rid of them.

American cockroaches?

The American cockroach is the largest cockroach, measuring between 38 mm and 40 mm. It is also distinguished by its reddish-brown or orange color.

It is a very active species in fairly hot environments (which exceed 22°C) and can carry many bacteria and diseases.

bed bugs

Bed bugs have become widespread in kuwait in recent years. Although they do not transmit disease, they do cause sleep problems and anxiety and cause unpleasant itching and sores from their bites.

They are often invisible to the naked eye, their dimensions range from 4 mm to 7 mm and have a reddish-brown color. Bed bugs often hide during the day and come out at night to feed on the blood of a sleeper. Their bites are similar to mosquito bites.

These parasites settle in several places, including beds, mattresses, furniture, clothing, crevices, light switches, etc. They are extremely difficult to eradicate and the extermination procedure must be carried out by a pest control professional.


Spiders can come in different shapes, sizes, and colors. However, those who are likely to invade your home have eight legs and their body is divided into two parts: the head and the abdomen.

Of the 700 different species that exist,

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