the most dangerous insects in the world that cause death within seconds

the most dangerous insects in the world that cause death within seconds

the most dangerous insects in the world that cause death within seconds The most dangerous insects in the world that cause death within a few seconds after they bite you, did that sentence scare you? Surely the answer will be yes, so are you wondering why God created those insects that cause harm to humans? God Almighty did not create anything in vain, all of the animals, plants and humans are linked in one ring, let's get acquainted with the most dangerous insects in the world. The most dangerous insects in the world The kiss of death insect (Hemiptera) The kiss of death known as Hemiptera is one of the most dangerous insects, as it has a mouth with many holes that help this insect to suck blood as it feeds on the blood of larger animals. The reason that made this insect one of the most dangerous types of insects lies in the fact that it causes the transmission of Chagas disease, known as American trypanosomiasis. in the intestine. Asian giant hornet The hornet is distinguished by its length, which sometimes reaches 5 centimeters, which is considered the longest type of insect that lives on the surface of the earth. Within minutes, count on the fingers of the hand. Characteristics of the Asian hornet • It is one of the longest living insects on the planet His sting is considered fatal because it contains a concentrated poison and contains acetylcholine, which causes severe pain • Also, one of the most important features of the sting of this type of insect is that it attracts other wasps to the prey, and they sting it as well, causing inevitable death. mosquito Mosquitoes are one of the most dangerous insects in the world because about one million people annually lose their lives due to mosquitoes because they transmit many diseases, for example: • malaria • Brain inflammation West Nile Virus • Dengue fever It is noteworthy that there are more than 3000 species of mosquitoes. Mosquitoes transmit malaria germs from one place to another and spread the germs in the victim's blood by biting The World Health Organization has estimated that every 30 seconds a child dies of malaria and 500 million cases of malaria are reported each year. Japanese giant hornet Japanese hornets are very aggressive and fearless Each Japanese hornet colony contains up to 700 individuals, so it is one of the most dangerous insects in the world. • The Japanese giant hornet is the largest species of hornet in the world, reaching a size of 2 inches. • Up to 40 deaths are recorded each year due to the bite of Japanese hornets • It feeds on honey bee larvae in large quantities. • They also have the ability to kill up to 40 honey bees in one minute. The dwarf fly is one of the most dangerous insects in the world Unfortunately, the dangerous botfly larvae also live under human skin And it causes horrific effects as it causes infection with parasites known as “myiasis”, which is a contamination of the skin. The larvae penetrate the skin and live in the subcutaneous areas of human skin for more than 60 days. Patients can feel the movement of the larvae under their skin. Once the larvae are fully developed, they exit the body. Indian red scorpion • There are about 1500 species of scorpions and about 10 poisonous scorpions, but the Indian red is the most deadly. • Up to 40 percent of sting victims die. • This scorpion is a big problem in India, Sri Lanka and Nepal because there are children who play barefoot and it is easy to sting them. • Although less than 3 inches in length, its venom is strong, resulting in severe pain, vomiting, sweating, shortness of breath, and alternating high blood pressure and heart rate. How to get rid of the most dangerous insects in the world It is better to stay away from such insects, and if you are bitten, it is better to go to the doctors and contact a company to exterminate such dangerous insects from them • Pest Control Company, Hawally. • Al-Ahmadi Pest Control Company. • Also Mubarak Al-Kabeer Pest Control Company. • Pest Control Company Salmiya.. • Al-Jahra Pest Control Company. • Also, Abdullah Al-Mubarak Pest Control Company. Opening statement The most dangerous insects in the world Mita is a group of the most dangerous insects in the world that cause death once they bite you and we advise you to stay away from them as soon as you see them in order to preserve your life and health

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