Integrated pest management (IPM) has become the basis of almost

Integrated pest management (IPM) has become the basis of almost

Integrated pest management (IPM) has become the basis of almost all pest control programs. “The concept and motivation behind the creation of IPM arose from the drawbacks associated with the use of a purely insecticidal approach to pest control in many industries over the years overuse of insecticides led to insect resistance and damage to the environment, so the concept of IPM arose, focusing on the use of pesticides Carefully selected insect.


This concept later evolved into the integrated pest management we know today, which an article describes as follows: “The lofty idea that began 30 years ago, aiming to collaborate with nature to combat pest problems, has blossomed into an accepted practice across the world. To help in Preserving the environment, saving money and reducing pesticide use.”


So what is IPM?

 Integrated pest management is a comprehensive approach to pest control

 Which includes a partnership between a pest control company and a commercial enterprise

 To control insects, rodents and other problematic pests. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, this method is characterized by “an effective and environmentally responsible approach to pest control based on a set of common sense practices.

 The latter states that IPM depends on current and comprehensive information about the life cycles of pests and their interactions with the environment,

Together with accessible pest control methods, in order to control the damage caused by pests in the most economical way while they are being brought up. Minimal risk to people, property and the environment.


IPM includes five main components that are customized according to the unique needs of each facility:


 The first step in an integrated pest control program is a thorough inspection of the interior and exterior of the structure. The main objective of this step is to detect the presence of pests as well as any facilitating conditions that can attract pests of all kinds.

Identify. after inspection,

Determine the pests present to determine the size of the population, the reason for their presence, and the most effective method of control.


The inspection also reveals areas where preventive controls can be implemented to eliminate the risk of pest entry - or return - and reduce their ability to survive in the facility. These measures can include increased sanitation, exclusion (as we discuss here), and staff training, among others. Continuous monitoring also provides preventative control by alerting you to the presence of pests before they become an infestation.

control. Based on the existing pests found, potential threats to the environment, and the unique circumstances of your facility,

A plan will be developed to combat. Initially, the focus will be on physical and mechanical methods,

 Similar to exclusion and prevention treatment methods,

As well as setting traps and other measures free of applicable chemicals.

Although pesticides are part of an integrated pest control program, they are used only when necessary.

documentation. In addition to recording and validating all IPM efforts,

Documenting all your activities allows you to proactively control pest risks by understanding old problems and preventing them from reappearing. These statements apply particularly when electronic reports are stored by your service provider in a secure, easily accessible system.

Implementing a comprehensive, integrated pest control program helps protect your facility from pests and avoid negative pest reviews.

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