food industry pests  It is one of the main elements source of spread Some of the most common pests

food industry pests It is one of the main elements source of spread Some of the most common pests

food industry pests It is one of the main elements source of spread Some of the most common pests, insects and rodents are Rodents and cockroaches American has 3 to 4.5 cm or more long brown Fuchsia prefer shady areas And get wet in the sewers from Piping and sewer roofs German cockroaches are long Up to 3 cm long and very brown It is the most frequent species in The kitchens are also German cockroaches Another kind of German cockroach Its color is pale yellow and Younger and I between 1 to 1 5 centimeters is one of The most common types of kitchens and Very abundant and prefers places Warm near heat sources Like cafes and bakeries There is also a type of mice Commonly known as the black rat or the common rat Field CEO worse smile, belly more Clear and between 15 to 23 cm plus 17 From cabbage to Norbert Elgek moments too It is called a gray or colored rat Gray on the back while from 19 to 27 Long cm plus 17 tail Many muscles or a house mouse is Youngest from 6 to 11 cm A must have pest control plan Comprehensive and includes all strategies To achieve proper management, this Understand by merging group implementation Chemical and physical processes Management to reduce the presence of Physical measures against pests This is divided into two halves Preventive and physical control measures Preventive measures to take these You must take into account the measures Factors you prefer to spread Because it is a shelter for food, air moisture With this in mind, we must take The following preventive measures Clean up leftovers Surfaces or areas at the end of each Today to clean up the retained fat or From the kitchen sweep the floors Including under tables and special machines near Clean walls, sinks, pick up rags napkins aprons and partner mattresses Storing things in cardboard boxes and On Earth, don't put trash in it near the treatment area Suspended ceilings bridge Instant withdrawal of raw materials or Their packaging when it was noticed It replaces polluted things metal wood carpentry Retirement from modifications of obsolete machinery Windows and doors in its structure Remove dark places or Hard to fix broken access Physical control measures the use of Various non-chemical elements of Capture effects like Ultraviolet rays for making traps Glue trap dwellers For insects or rodents and curtains Air are verbs Other physical measures To combat pests are cut Weeds near the building or plants processing holes Banks and other places in them Pests must penetrate Keep it tightly closed Using metal nets or bed nets Birds should also be prevented Live near places food production controls Chemical pest treatment These pesticides must be specific According to the type of pest uses these It can be dangerous and is used Not enough for this back Use only in suspected places From pests and this does not endanger Food for example should not apply in Work surfaces should be avoided Use of pesticides or contents that Rodents can be dragged Nebulizers are discounted unless They are closed spaces as fake Pesticide surfaces must be determined that your use of . is up to date Food Industry Procedures Monitoring consists of methods Monitoring to warn of Presence of lesions and according to their size Features of arrests Apply related measures Monitoring procedures as well Used to check the effectiveness pest control mechanisms for Facilitate the use of detection grafts Attractors or sticky traps Pheromones as a means of monitoring in Dark and quiet places Visual expression is not recommended be very ineffective method and Lacks protective value since when It is usually visually noticeable

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