Tips to combat flies and get rid of them permanently in Kuwait

Tips to combat flies and get rid of them permanently in Kuwait

Flies invade our homes, and they can become a real ordeal when it comes to getting rid of them. We offer natural solutions to combat flies in our portfolio. You can also use chemical products that are not recommended due to the risks to your health. essential oils Several essential oils are effective in repelling flies: basil, geranium, lavender, lemongrass, peppermint, eucalyptus. You can use them in different ways, alone or in combination: • Use it in an essential oil diffuser • Put a few drops on strips that you will then place near doors and windows • Put a few drops in a cup that you will place in strategic places such as the edge of your windows Homemade lemongrass or lavender spray A two-in-one treatment! This spray will allow you to repel flies and act as a household fragrance. Mix 10 drops of lemongrass essential oils (or 5 drops of lavender + 5 drops of lemongrass) with a little hot water and white vinegar. Spray this treatment near doors and windows, right on the flies, but also on curtains, or even on sheets (avoid it for young children and pregnant women) to create a fly repellent barrier. Another plus: This combination will also be effective in repelling mosquitoes! White Vinegar To prevent flies from infesting your home, white vinegar is very effective. Feel free to use it with all kinds of sauces to keep them away: • Clean windows and countertops with white vinegar • Put glasses of warm wine or apple cider vinegar on the windowsills • Spray your parts with white vinegar Cut a lemon or an orange in half. Plant about fifteen cloves per half, into the core, and place these repellents in rooms frequented by flies as well as near windows. Feel free to renew the process regularly. It will smell good in your home, keeping flies and mosquitoes away. A useful and decorative solution: flower your home with plants that keep flies away from your home! Some are real repellents. Lavender, basil, mint, lemon, geranium, or even eucalyptus emit a smell that flies hate. Feel free to abuse it and put it everywhere on window sills and on your balcony. The disadvantage of this solution: it will not be effective in the winter. A grandmother's recipe proven to be effective against flies: milk, pepper and powdered sugar. A real fly trap! Heat 50 cl of milk in a saucepan and add 4 or 5 teaspoons of pepper and at least 50 g of sugar. Leave to soak for 10 to 15 minutes, then pour the mixture into a bowl or deep dish that you place around your house or on window sills. This mixture will attract and drown in flies. Like many insects, flies do not like the smell of garlic. You can try a decoction of garlic to ward off them. Nothing is easier! Peel 5 or 6 garlic cloves and chop them coarsely. Put it in a saucepan and add 2.5 liters of water. Simmer for 20 minutes, then leave to cool. Filter the mixture through a sieve to remove residue. All you have to do is fill a few glasses with this mixture and place them on your window sills. Flies are like sugar. So honey is the perfect ingredient to attract them. How to make an effective fly trap with honey? Take an empty bottle that is not clogged, and then cut it in half. Pour a mixture of water and honey (or sugar syrup) into the bottom of the bottle and tip the top of the bottle into the mixture (be careful, neck down. The flies will attract the sweet smell of honey and will be stuck in the bottle. Not a very aesthetic solution, but certainly one of the most effective. There are some products available commercially, and these traps are often soaked in a poisonous substance to kill the flies. A natural alternative: make your own sticky tapes. You will need: card stock (rather thick), corn syrup, sugar, and string to hang the trap. Mix the ingredients and then spread them out on your paper. Hang your sheet where flies prefer. Get rid of them once they are full of flies and start the process over again. This trick has been tested and approved many times against flies. It's perfect bait! Feel free to leave a little wine at the bottom of the bottle. Place it where flies like to come, in the kitchen for example. Attracted by the wine, they will systematically stick to it and remain stuck in the bottle. They will eventually drown. If you don't have red wine, it works just as well with white or rose wine.

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