Fighting flies in Kuwait by spraying safe and licensed pesticides from the Ministry of Health. We are certified in the fight against flying and crawling insects.

Fighting flies in Kuwait by spraying safe and licensed pesticides from the Ministry of Health. We are certified in the fight against flying and crawling insects.

Flies and their types that negatively affect human health Flies are one of the biggest pests that certainly bother humans despite their small size. They also enter through windows and walk on our food, and no matter how much you try to keep them away, they constantly come down to the same place, and this may make you crazy. types of flies Flies are widely spread around the world, where scientists have discovered nearly 120,000 species of them, and while there are about 18,000 species of these pests in North America, but it is likely that the actual number of species in the world is much greater, of course you ask yourself now that its life is short, how can it be There is such a number. The reason is that these pests are able to multiply quickly and in large numbers so we would like to show you the most famous types of them for you to get to know them so let's get started! house flies • It is the most common type found in and around homes • This type is usually gray in color and has four black stripes on its chest • They have slightly hairy bodies as well as a pair of wings and compound red eyes that contain thousands of individual lenses giving them a wider vision • It is worth noting that this species does not have teeth or stinging. • Although it does not sting, it is capable of transmitting more than 100 different pathogens such as salmonellosis, typhoid and tuberculosis. fruit fly • You can live from 25 to 30 days • Adult fruit flies are usually 3 to 4 mm long • The most important thing that distinguishes her is the color of her eyes red • It has six legs and is small and oval in shape with antennas As for its color: brown, brown, or yellow • Its special feature is its slow flight with a drooping abdomen • Fruit flies are attracted to rotting foods and are eaten in particular by fruits and vegetables and any fermented liquids such as beer, liquor and wine • The environments in which you reside are dark, humid and unsanitary environments such as drains, litter boxes, and litter boxes The most dangerous type of flies is the tsetse fly The color varies from yellowish brown to dark brown • It has a gray breast, often with dark markings. • Very similar to the house fly • Its length ranges from 6 to 16 mm • It is one of the most dangerous species because it feeds not only on animal blood but also on human blood • Therefore, many diseases are transmitted, especially African trypanosomiasis, known as sleeping sickness • This species is found almost exclusively on the African continent How do flies transmit diseases? Of course every breed or species has a different eating path as some of them eat by vomiting their food to break it down and some of them feed on blood and most of them like an open litter box etc so they carry all the pathogens they pick up along the way with their hairy legs and in their mouths, so when they land on your arm Or on your food, they transmit these pathogens to you. Among the diseases that can be transmitted to you through these pests are cholera, salmonella, tuberculosis, typhoid and other diseases How to combat flies and get rid of it? Of course, because of its small size, it can enter your home, and not only disturb you, but may also lead to many diseases, so your keenness to prevent it from entering your home is very important, and the good news is that controlling flies in your home is very easy Among the most important ways and steps that you need to take are the following: • Continuously clean your home • As well as daily garbage removal • Maintain the cleanliness of all surfaces, especially the surfaces of utensils • Check and close all windows properly • Dispose of any decomposing food • If you have animals, be sure to pick up dog droppings and meet them in the garbage • Don't give them anything they want like rotten or fresh meat, ripe or moldy produce, and sugary foods and drinks. • Keep swimming pools and fountains clean If you suspect that there are a large number of these pests in your home or near you, it is important to contact extermination companies to conduct an examination and search specifically for any places where fly eggs may be laid, and once the breeding site is eliminated, you can live in peace. Kuwait : • Hawally Flies Control Company • Ahmadi Flies Control Company • Also, Abdullah Al-Mubarak Flies Control Company • Fly Control Company Salmiya • Jahra Flies Control Company • Also, Mubarak Al-Kabeer Flies Control Company • Ahmadi Flies Control Company Most people do not like flies indoors and outdoors. Seeing these pests hovering on them or near your food and drinks is an unwelcome sight, especially as it may transmit serious diseases to you, so the sooner you can get rid of the house fly, the better. This article will be useful to you; Because we explained to you the most important thing about flies. Keyword flies Dead most of us as soon as he sees flies near him or from his food disturbs so these pests are not welcome in our surroundings and we will introduce you here to ways to get rid of them

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