the brown recluse spider is one of the most dangerous types of spiders and how to get rid of it

the brown recluse spider is one of the most dangerous types of spiders and how to get rid of it

The brown recluse spider is one of the most dangerous types of spiders and how to get rid of it The brown recluse spider is famous for its appearance and its poisonous bite. It is also the most common and widespread among brown spiders, so it is one of the most dangerous types of spiders, and when you see it, it is better to avoid it or get rid of it, so today we will show you the best ways to eliminate it. Let's go! The external appearance of the brown recluse spider • Belongs to the deadly spiders. • It has violin-shaped marks on the upper part of the thoracic head, ie the head and thorax are fused. • The intensity of brown violin marks may vary depending on the age of the spider, as mature spiders usually have darker violin shapes. • Most spiders have eight eyes, but the brown spider has six. • Another distinguishing feature of the brown recluse spider is its uniformly colored abdomen. • The brown spider is about three-eighths of an inch long and about three to sixteen inches wide (about 1 centimeter long and one and a half centimeters wide). • Males are slightly smaller than females but have longer legs. Where does the brown recluse spider live? Brown spiders like to hide in dark, dry and undisturbed areas. It can be difficult to determine exactly where they live, but whether they are in nature or in your home, we will show you the most important places that can live in them. Outside, they prefer to hide in dry areas under rocks, piles of wood, loose pieces of dead bark and other debris. In desert areas it is often found under dead cacti or in empty burrows created by other animals. These pests prefer to use cardboard because it mimics rotting tree bark, but they can also be found in boxes, clothing, shoes, frames, bedding, furniture and storage areas. And if you notice one of these spiders, there may be more spiders hiding in your house and therefore you want to control and eliminate them. What does this type of spider eat? These spiders always look for their food during the night hours as the brown recluse recluse feeds on small live prey such as insects, especially crickets, moths and flies and it is worth noting that they eat dead prey, so they are attracted to the newly killed insects. This species is known to eat each other, unlike some types of spiders, which use their webs to trap their prey. This spider prefers not to store its food, but instead chooses to eat it immediately or leave it out in the open. What are the symptoms of a brown recluse spider bite? This spider prefers to be left alone as it tends to live in indoor and outdoor spaces that people don't go to most of the time. If you find yourself in the same place as a spider of this type, they will not want to attack you - they will want to get out of your way, although if they feel trapped they may bite you. You don't usually feel it when a brown recluse spider bites you, which means you may not realize you've been bitten if you don't see the spider on your skin. Symptoms of venom may not appear for several hours, and then you may feel pain, burning or itching around the site of the bite. The area may become red. It is noteworthy that brown recluse venom can damage blood vessels, tissues and nerves, causing ischemia or lack of oxygen and blood flow to the tissues as a result of which the skin tissues die. There are some additional symptoms that you may experience shortly after the bite of this spider, including the following: • Fever • nausea Intense itching at the site of the sting • rash • goosebumps • sweating How to get rid of them? Due to the dangerous nature of the brown recluse spider, getting rid of this pest can be quite laborious. The most effective way to control brown recluse spiders is to prevent them from entering the home in the first place so homeowners should inspect the outside of your home. Here are the best ways to eliminate them in your home: • Close any openings that spiders and other insects might use to get into the house. • Maintaining the cleanliness of the house constantly. • Brown recluse spiders like most spiders do not like strong smells. When placed on window sills or other potential entry points, this will act as an air freshener and potentially deter spiders. • Organize storage areas and cover any containers If you find a large number of this type of spider, it is best to turn to an expert because they are armed with the experience and resources to exterminate most types of insects, including spiders, as they know where to look and have specialized tools that can reach places that you will not be able to reach. Experts can also provide guidance on how to prevent future problems with these and other household pests. Among the best experts in Kuwait and the Arab world are: • Hawally Spider Control Company • The Ahmadi Spider Control Company • And also the spider control company Abdullah Al Mubarak • Salmiya Spider Control Company • Jahra Spider Control Company • As well as the company to combat spiders Mubarak Al-Kabeer • The Ahmadi Spider Control Company Domestic pests usually look for three things: shelter, food, and water. Spiders are predators that enjoy eating insects. These spiders will eventually disappear and establish shelter elsewhere if there is no longer a regular supply of food in your home. Introductory speech brown recluse spider The dead brown recluse spider is one of the most dangerous types of spiders, although it rarely bites, but it causes inconvenience, and there are the best ways to get rid of it

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