Termites are destructive pests, so what harm do they do

Termites are destructive pests, so what harm do they do

Termites are destructive pests, so what harm do they do Hanno Al Sharqi Pesticide | Termites are very destructive pests, their damage is not easy to detect. When caught, it often causes great economic losses, so what are the dangers of termites? How do you control termites? Termite dangers: Termites are destructive pests that destroy 50% of the world's land area. Termite damage to buildings is much greater than natural disasters such as hurricanes, hail and floods. In the tropics, 90% of buildings are at risk of a termite infestation within three years of their construction. Termite damage is also very extensive, paper, crops, wires, cables, sockets, reinforced concrete, copper iron parts, tanks and dams will be eroded by termites, causing huge economic losses and threatening people's lives. In addition, termites are not easy to detect when they invade, which often leads to a lot of losses before they are detected. Since termites are good at digging holes through walls and are afraid of light, they always choose very hidden places to build their nests, often building ant tunnels in all directions within danger, causing extensive structural damage. Termites are destructive pests, so what are they? Ways to combat and eliminate termites: 1. In the place where termite damage was found, try to find an anthill or an ant path. First, sprinkle the termite powder as much as possible on the termites in the anthill or in the ant path, so that they can infect each other and achieve a killing effect. 2. In the place where there is termite damage, wooden doors and window frames are dug out at a certain distance and filled with liquid medicine, and the surrounding soil is sprayed with liquid medicine at the same time, so that both the wood and the soil contains certain toxic components, and the termites eat When he touched the poison, he was poisoned and died. 3. The trapping method can set up trapping piles, trapping pits, trapping piles, trapping poisonous baits, etc., where there are termite dangers. The above three ant methods can be used alone or in combination. Adding to the vaporization killing method, such as the hot gas killing method currently used outside, which also achieved fairly good results. There are many ways to eliminate and control termites, but based on the actual situation and comprehensive past experience, take specific measures to eliminate and control termites; Pay attention to oriental Hannuo insecticides, gain more knowledge of killing

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