Strategies for controlling mice and rats and why mice and rats are a problem

Strategies for controlling mice and rats and why mice and rats are a problem

Strategies for controlling mice and rats and why mice and rats are a problem Mice and rats are warm-blooded mammals around the world . (hence the name) her main It is having large incisors with continuous growth and therefore you have to constantly nibble to shorten them. The hardness of the teeth of these animals allows them to damage all kinds of materials, from plastic to metal, causing serious economic damage to technological properties and systems. Rats and mice pose a major threat to human and family health, as they are potentially responsible for contaminating food with feces and urine and for spreading dangerous diseases such as salmonella. leptospirosis (especially gray rats), murine typhus, Rodents reproduce quickly and under ideal conditions all year round. Thanks to the shape of the body, they can pass through holes and crevices that may seem very small for their size. They are also excellent climbers and swimmers. All of the above characteristics make mice and rats extremely dangerous animals capable of causing serious economic and health damage. Species of artificial rodents of health importance: gray rat or They are usually gray and larger than the other species (averaging 350 grams), and they usually nest in underground (underground) burrows and exploit their burrowing ability to enter buildings in search of food. They tend to stay hidden during the day and after sunset. The gray mouse is omnivorous and feeds on a variety of foods, from grains to nuts to meat. Animals of the same species are also used dead as a food source. They need water to drink and prefer the colony to be as close to the water source as possible. These rats live communally with dominant and communal members. Through trade over the centuries, these rodents have managed to colonize all continents as humans arrived by ships and planes and are more present in urban areas. black rat or poppy Generally black in colour, it is smaller than the gray rat (200 g on average). Their nests prefer to be on trees and in higher areas of buildings, such as barns and attics, hence their name. They are active at all hours of the day, although they prefer to move at night. In contrast to the gray rat, the black rat is a purely herbaceous plant and feeds mainly on grains, fruits and grains, destroying silos in rural areas and ports and causing great damage, as it contaminates food with urine and excrement. In need of a more natural environment, the Black Rat is less prevalent in the city than its predecessor, but is still found on all continents. House mouse or domestic Quran Its color is generally gray, it is much smaller than mice (maximum 50 grams) and nests in all types of environment, from cities to countryside, including wooded areas. They generally live in close contact with humans and thanks to this symbiosis, they are able to colonize the most hostile environments. From desert to arctic regions. The house mouse is carnivorous but prefers all kinds of seeds and human food scraps. Its range is very small from the den (a few metres) and tends to go out at night. Most often the infection is detected due to the presence of feces and gnawing, because with a lack of vegetable fibers, it eats and gnaws anything palatable, even electrical wires (short circuits caused by a house mouse are not uncommon), plastics and fabrics. The solution: Offers a complete service for the control of mice and mice, thanks to the use of the latest products and technologies, able to obtain effective results without risking the environment, humans and pets. Our procedures include: Inspection, supply and installation of anti-infiltration systems (protection from rodents): technicians conduct a thorough examination of the area, identifying signs of presence and types of infestation. The reasons that determine the presence and spread of rodents are analyzed in order to prepare a comprehensive control plan. In the event of deficiencies that allow entry and nesting of rodents, our technicians suggest and intervene directly if necessary (electrical insulation channels, metal barriers, door closers, etc.) Rodenticide Bait Distribution: Determine appropriate points to place safe rodenticide bait dispensers with a toxic anticoagulant based internal product. Remove traps using traps: Points are identified for placing rodent traps, especially in food production areas, where toxic products cannot be used. Checkpoint monitoring: areas and equipment are checked periodically to verify the effectiveness of preventive interventions and extermination treatment. Post-treatment sanitation should be used by searching, retrieving rodents, and disinfecting the treated interior

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