Spiders, their types and how to combat and get rid of them

Spiders, their types and how to combat and get rid of them

Spiders, their types and how to combat and get rid of them Spiders usually appear in horror movies and haunted houses, and worse still, they may be inside our homes where they are usually met by screaming and under shoes, it is easy to understand why people are afraid when they see them on the wall because the way they move is amazing and unexpected and in addition to their webs, some of them may be unimaginable They are visible and unwelcome in your surroundings, so we will show you the most important things about them and ways to get rid of them. types of spiders Spiders come in many different shapes and sizes, and each species has its own unique appearance and characteristics, and it is worth noting that they are able to adapt and survive. In all land areas in the world except Antarctica, there are about 30,000 different species of which are currently known. Despite that, some scientists believe that there are many of them that have not been discovered yet, and the most famous of them are the following: wolf spider • Their bodies and legs are covered with coarse hairs • Wolf spiders are pale black, brown, orange and gray to blend in with their environment. • Wolf spiders live under rocks, tree trunks, and leaves and burrow into the ground • Male wolf spiders are attracted to females because of their fragrance • Also, males treat females with love and caution, as females can turn hostile and make them leave bird eating spider • The largest spider in the world It is a type of spider from the tarantula family • His leg is 12 inches long • They tend to fight because they can be aggressive with other spiders in matters of claiming their land and ownership • This species makes hissing sounds by rubbing its legs together when it feels threatened by other animals so it is best to stay away from it in this case • This spider can its fangs penetrate the human skin and its venom, but fortunately, its poison does not kill people, but only hurts them, and the pain can last for 4 hours, so it is not considered harmful to humans The brown recluse spider is one of the most dangerous species • Can live and survive in cold or hot environments but prefer abandoned buildings and wood piles • Adult brown recluse spiders are about 1/4 to 1/2 inch long It has six eyes of equal size arranged in three pairs They rarely bite humans but are venomous. The bites are initially painless but will become red and swollen within about three hours. Brown recluse bites are not life-threatening, and most do not cause serious complications yet may leave a large scar. In rare cases, symptoms such as fever, chills, dizziness, rash, or vomiting may occur. These symptoms are more common in children, the elderly, and patients in poor health, so anyone who has been bitten should seek immediate emergency medical help. black widow spider • One of the most dangerous types of spider in the world • They are easily recognizable by the red hourglass shape on their stomachs • The female black widow spider is distinguished by its black color • Its length ranges between 1.3 - 3.8 cm • Black widow spiders tend to search for dry, dark, sheltered places such as under stones or surfaces A black widow's bite can cause an immediate reaction in humans. Symptoms that a person may experience include nausea, body aches, and difficulty breathing. Although black widow bites are annoying, they do not cause serious long-term harm or death, but unfortunately bites can be fatal to young children, the elderly, or those who are already in poor health, so anyone bitten by a black widow spider should ask Medical attention right away First aid for black widow spider bites includes cleaning the wound and applying ice packs to slow the absorption of the venom. Are spiders dangerous? It is worth noting that it is not dangerous to humans, but rather has many benefits because it eats fleas, cockroaches and other small insects that enter your home Unfortunately, this many of them may sting people but it is useful to tell you that humans are not prey for any spider. Spiders bite humans and pets in self-defense when frightened or upset So if you find a spider that you suspect is venomous, the best thing to do is to leave it alone until you can take appropriate steps to get rid of it. Why are we afraid of spiders? Despite the benefits of spiders, they are not welcome in our homes or our surroundings. Psychologically we know that the more an animal or something deviates from the human appearance, the stronger, more frequent and widespread the fear of it. However, there are many more organisms that do not follow this pattern, such as dogs and others, so why are we afraid of spiders? Psychologists have found that people are not afraid of a spider because of its bite, but because of its fast and rapid movements. Regardless of why we fear spiders, most homeowners prefer spiders to be anywhere but their home. Where do spiders live? You can find spiders everywhere except in the polar regions, high mountains and deep seas because the eight legged friends are looking for protection from the cold. Like every living creature looking for food it is natural that they settle where there is a lot of food. This explains the high rate of its presence in the stables or in general in the country, spiders benefit not only from the heat given off by the animals that live there but also from the flies that fly around and which are found en masse in the stables. Ways to get rid of spiders close the house • Seal cracks and holes that spiders may use to get inside the house • Replacing or repairing broken window screens as spiders can enter the home easily through even the smallest of holes. • Cover the ventilation and chimney openings well. • Also apply sealant around wires, cables, faucets, etc. Keep the house tidy • clean homes

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