mice control and ways to prevent them from entering my house

mice control and ways to prevent them from entering my house

Mice control and ways to prevent them from entering my house Controlling mice is usually not easy, but it is necessary, and mice must be disposed of in the right and completely safe ways for people . We must also carry out the disinfection process on an ongoing basis because disinfection helps reduce the food and water resources that mice need to survive, which provides a way to prevent them . Depending on personal preferences and the degree of infestation, mice eradication strategies can vary . Mice control methods Mice are controlled by using traps and their types are as follows : trap trap trap s Wooden, metal or plastic trap with a strong snap hinge designed to kill mice quickly . These traps are usually used to lure the mouse into the trap with some kind of bait . glue trap A flat piece of cardboard or a shallow plastic tray . It can be placed on the floor and walls in places where mice move, covered with a special adhesive . live traps Also referred to as humane traps, they are small (wired) cages . It is characterized by the presence of a door at one end of it that you can open and through which the rat can stand on the pedal when it enters the trap to eat the bait that was placed inside, then the door is closed and the rat is trapped in a humane manner . Without harming rodents, live traps are an ideal way to eliminate mice from your structure . Ways to get rid of mice in homes • Closing the entry holes : Close the openings in the house as well as close other gaps, such as where there are pipes . • Avoid using plastic, rubber, wood, or anything else that mice can nibble on quickly . • Use mouse traps with choosing the best bait suitable for traps such as peanut butter and other materials with placing the traps in the appropriate place and this is critical . • Put them in places where mice appear, such as rodent droppings, etc. • Remove debris around your home where mice can hide in the debris . • Get rid of weeds . • Also get rid of burrows and nesting areas that you find because the less debris and clutter around your home, the more It was easier to detect signs of rodent activity and to prevent mice from entering . Safe materials to get rid of mice (Safe control of mice) (1 peppermint oil The smell of peppermint oil is disliked by rats, so put a few drops of oil on a cotton ball and wipe the places you want to protect from mice . Cotton balls are placed with a little oil and left in the corners of cabinets or shelves in places where food is stored . (2 camphor Most people prefer the scent of mint over camphor, so people like to keep it away from the kitchen and other living spaces . You can place an old sock full of mothballs near the openings in the living space, or openings in the ceiling or windows to prevent mice from entering, but hang the socks out of the reach of children . (3 cat litter It is clearly not a desirable treatment but the smell of cat litter is a signal to mice that there is a cat in the field . Putting on an old sock full of these droppings will keep rodents away from your home . (4 peanut butter Another substance that can be used is peanut butter, which is a mixture of peanut butter and boric acid . Mix 1 cup of peanut butter and ½ cup of boric acid, then make small balls about half an inch long and place them in the infested areas of your home . Once tasted, these balls are highly toxic to mice . What do mice hate? And how to get rid of it permanently? 1 Peppermint oil, red pepper ( cayenne), garlic, pepper and cloves, as mice are said to dislike these scents . Soak a few cotton balls in one or more of these edible oils and leave the cotton balls in the areas where you have had problems with mice . (2) The smell of ammonia is similar to the smell of predatory animal urine, which keeps mice away from the house . Fill some plastic bottles and leave them anywhere you might tempt mice, but make sure they are out of reach of pets and children . (3) High frequency sound devices: High frequency sound devices have also been proven to be very effective against mice . Using batteries, these sound systems emit a high-frequency sound, so it is so dangerous for mice that they can't stand it and run away . Humans cannot hear this high frequency sound; So it will not bother you at home and this sound does not pose a danger to dogs and cats . Control of mice by using insecticide and rat poison Rodenticides, which are poisons used to kill mice and rats, so in cases of large infestations and infested places, it is recommended to use traps in most cases . But if you contact an expert or a rodent control company, they will already use this method . The poison is placed in a bait station and the rodent is killed by consuming the poisoned bait, but the instructions must be followed with caution . The disadvantage of this method is that the poison kills not only mice but also any animal that eats from the trap . Beware of handling small children or pets with this method . What are the companies that follow the proper methods of getting rid of mice in Kuwait? Many people suffer from the problems of mice entering homes because they destroy many things . They also contaminate and spoil food; Therefore, rat control companies are interested in getting rid of them in the correct and final ways to eliminate them completely . These companies are: Hawally rat control company, Ahmadi rat control company, Abdullah al-Mubarak rat control company, Salmiya rat control company, Jahra rat control company, and Mubarak al-Kabeer rat control company . keyword rat control the description Mice control is essential because they spoil and spoil things and may easily transfer to foods and expose them to spoilage, so it is important to get rid of mice on a regular basis.

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