Control of cockroaches and their types and the reasons for their presence in homes

Control of cockroaches and their types and the reasons for their presence in homes

Fighting cockroaches and getting rid of them is not an easy thing that everyone can do because cockroaches get into everything and multiply quickly and they can survive for several months without food and without water for two weeks . Therefore, these small pests are a challenge that you have to face and overcome, especially that these insects certainly cause a lot of inconvenience and also transmit many diseases to you . If you are tired of sharing your home with these harmful pests, learn how to control cockroaches!! But before we explain to you the best ways to get rid of them, we will explain to you the most important types of them and the reasons for their presence in your home, and this will help you not to meet them in the future, so let's go ! cockroach control Types of cockroaches Biologists have found that there are about 3,500 species of cockroaches, but fortunately most of them live in forests away from humans . But it is worth noting that there are some of them who live in homes, and the most famous of these cockroaches are the German cockroach, the eastern cockroach and the American cockroach . German cockroach German cockroach • It is the most common cockroach • The German cockroach is 12 to 15 mm long • It has a distinctive color and is light brown to yellow • It has wings, but it cannot fly • A female can lay about 40 eggs • So a pair of cockroaches can produce up to 400,000 offspring in a year oriental cockroach oriental cockroach • Mold can corrode • They are mainly found on the ground floor, in the basement and in drains, and they like cool and humid areas with temperatures from 17 to 29 degrees . • They are from 25 to 30 mm in length • Its color is dark brown to black American cockroach American cockroach • Likes warm places with a temperature ranging from 20 ° C to 30 ° C • You rarely find it in apartments in the European Union, unlike the Arab world • A cockroach can fly with its advanced wings • Its color is reddish brown • The length of this cockroach is 28 mm and may reach 44 mm Reasons for cockroaches in the house Of course, if you see a single cockroach in your house, this indicates that your house attracts these harmful insects, so you immediately wonder why my house in particular? So we are happy to answer your question, of course these pests look for food and water sources that they can easily find in your home and are usually attracted to the following : 1. Dirty dishes in the sink without you washing them 2. Pet food on the floor 3. And trash that you didn't get rid of quickly 4. Leftovers in empty cans or uncovered containers 5. Crumbs on the floors What cockroaches hate and how to control and get rid of cockroaches for good If you are confident that your home is free of these insects, you are of course lucky, because many may suffer from them, but without knowing; Because they are insects that are only active at night, so you may not notice them during the day . Therefore, we will give you the most important tips that you should take into account so that your home does not turn into a shelter for them : • Also wash soiled dishes immediately • Remove food stains even if they are behind furniture • Do not leave pet food open so it is best to cover it . • Get rid of the waste in the trash every day . • Ventilate the kitchen and bathroom regularly as cockroaches feel comfortable under high humidity • Covering gaps and cracks in the house or on windows and doors Ways to control and get rid of cockroaches Cockroaches are among the insects known to be fast and disappear quickly as they enter the house through many ways, including sewage pipes in the kitchen and bathroom, in addition to air conditioning and heating lines. Windows and doors . Insects also prefer to hide in cracks, under floor coverings, behind appliances such as ovens, refrigerators, washing machines, and in wooden furniture, so getting rid of them is not an easy home, and we will explain to you the most important ways that you should follow in order to eliminate cockroaches if you suffer from them : The first method for controlling cockroaches: boric acid Boric acid is one of the best home methods for controlling cockroaches. For this method to work, please follow the following steps : 1. Mix equal amounts of boric acid, flour and sugar to make a paste 2. Put balls of dough around the house where the cockroaches can feed 3. Flour and sugar will attract cockroaches, while boric acid will kill them 4. Simply place the dough where you know roaches naturally or under the refrigerator, stove, and backs of cabinets and drawers . This method is very effective in killing cockroaches but unfortunately boric acid can be very dangerous for pets, so if you have an animal to take care of then do not try this in your home . The second method for controlling cockroaches: sticky traps Sticky traps are not only effective for flies and mosquitoes but also for cockroaches . So place a cockroach trap near cracks, plumbing, closets, and anywhere these insects may be hiding and then attract these pests to the trap and stick to it . The third method for controlling cockroaches: liquid cockroach repellent Once diluted with water, you can spray it in places where these pests can hide or wipe the floor with it and you will get rid of these pests in one night . The fourth method for cockroach control: cockroach bomb Cockroach bomb also known as cockroach repellent is an effective way to get rid of cockroaches. This bomb is released into the air of your home and permeates the areas that cockroaches like to hide in, so this is one of the best ways you may resort to . The fifth method for controlling cockroaches: extermination company First of all, the above methods are home remedies for controlling cockroaches that are few in number. If you notice a large number of cockroaches or even if you want to get rid of this small amount without getting tired, it is recommended to call an extermination company Among the most important cockroach control companies in existence are the following : • Hawally cockroach control company • And also the Ahmadi cockroach control company • Abdullah Al Mubarak Cockroach Control Company • Cockroach control company Salmiya • Also, the Jahra cockroach control company • Mubarak Al-Kabeer Cockroach Control Company • Ahmadi cockroach control company It is known that cockroaches transmit many diseases that may be the cause of your death, such as tuberculosis, hepatitis, as well as typhoid and others, so we wanted to show you the most important ways to combat cockroaches and what you can do by getting rid of them permanently .

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