American cockroaches and how to get rid of them permanently

American cockroaches and how to get rid of them permanently

American cockroaches and how to get rid of them permanently The American cockroach is the largest of the home-infested cockroaches and a major pest in the United States. The American cockroach is not native to North America as some evidence suggests that American cockroaches reached America and Europe via ships from Africa in the early 17th century. When you see this type of cockroach, it starts screaming and you immediately look for new and traditional ways to get rid of it, and this is what I will discuss in this article. Let's go! American cockroach shape • These cockroaches are usually less than 2 inches long. • It is one of the longest types of cockroaches, with a length of about 40 mm. • Its color is reddish-brown, while the adult males of this species are black. • Oval in shape. It has long segmented antennae and six long legs • On the body area behind the head there is a yellow margin. • This type of cockroach has wings, so it can fly. Where does this type of cockroach live? Of course, you may now wonder where these pests can live that you can find in your home and want to eliminate them, in this part we will answer your question so continue with us! The American cockroach prefers to live in damp places, but can also survive in dry places. It's worth noting when these pests are found indoors. They can be found in dark, damp areas such as basements, crawl spaces, and potentially other indoor areas around bathtubs, floor drains, and sewers. It can be found in yards, hollows, woodpiles, and sawdust, and sometimes it can also be found under roof panels or attics. They usually live outside but will roam indoors in search of food and water or during extreme weather conditions. What do American cockroaches feed on? Outdoors, American cockroaches eat leaves, small wood particles, fungi and algae, and they also eat small insects. These pests enter homes to find water or food because they can easily pass under doors or windows in basement and garages which are also common entrances. When American cockroaches enter homes, they often go into bathrooms, kitchens, laundry rooms, and basements. In homes, these cockroaches feed in kitchen cupboards and on the floor where they eat crumbs, food scraps, and spilled food they find, as well as pet food left overnight. She also eats sweets and starchy things like book covers, gum, and wallpaper paste. The life cycle of the American cockroach The American cockroach goes through three stages of metamorphosis like most cockroaches: egg, nymph, and adult. The process from birth to full adulthood can take from four to six months, and it is worth noting that the average lifespan of this type of cockroach is about two years. egg Within three to seven days after mating, female American cockroaches produce egg sacs known as oothecae. Each ootheca contains approximately 15 embryos. After holding the egg sac on the tip of her abdomen for hours to two days, the female lays her eggs in a hidden place. nymphs Under good conditions and ideal temperatures, immature crickets, also known as nymphs, will appear. Within 24 to 38 days, the nymphs undergo a metamorphosis process as they shed the exoskeleton, the most important characteristic of the nymphs is a grayish brown color and that they do not have developed wings. Before becoming an adult, nymphs molt 10 to 13 times adult After they undergo the final molting process they are equipped with wings and reproductive capabilities, this process extends from six months to more than a year, American cockroaches live for about a year. How to combat American cockroaches Cockroaches are among the most resistant pests in the world because they have unique survival tactics, including the ability to live up to a week without a head. This makes getting rid of American cockroaches a difficult task for homeowners to do themselves, so we will show you the most important methods that may help you to eliminate them easily in the following points: • Get rid of old boxes and piles of papers where cockroaches can hide. • Clean kitchen utensils well to get rid of food sources. • Use a tight lid on the wastebasket. • Ensure that doors and windows are securely fitted into the frames to prevent pest entry • Spray insecticides if you see any cockroach, especially around the plumbing under sinks and washer and dryer connections. • Don't leave food lying around your house • Homeowners should keep counters, sinks, tables and floors clear of clutter and crumbs. If cockroaches are suspected in your home, contact a licensed pest control professional for advice on American cockroach control and eradication. A pest control professional will be able to recommend an appropriate treatment plan to get rid of American cockroaches and help prevent a problem in the future. The best companies to help you get rid of these harmful pests include: • Cockroach control company Hawally • And also the Ahmadi cockroach control company • Abdullah Al-Mubarak Cockroach Control Company • Cockroach Control Company Salmiya Also, the Jahra cockroach control company Mubarak Al-Kabeer Cockroach Control Company • Al Ahmadi Cockroach Control Company Homeowners may see these active cockroaches as American cockroaches can run very quickly, and usually rush into a dark area so we wanted to explain the most important ways in order to get rid of these harmful insects because they transmit many diseases and bacteria that may cause the death of people. Opening speech American cockroaches American meta cockroaches are nasty and common pests and their presence in the home can pose a serious health threat so we will show you ways to get rid of them.

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