Al-Adiliyah Pest Control Company is a specialized and certified company.

Al-Adiliyah Pest Control Company is a specialized and certified company.

The Al-Adiliyah Pest Control Company is a specialized and certified company by the Ministry of Health, operating in the field of pest control in various types and forms. It is considered one of the best companies in Al-Adiliyah and throughout Kuwait.


The company operates according to quality and safety standards that ensure the customer's trust and satisfaction from the first interaction. Customers can contact the company by visiting one of its branches spread across all governorates and suburbs of Kuwait. The company offers discounts of up to 20% for institutions, hotels, and large spaces.


The company's team is specialized and works according to systematic and carefully planned steps. The place to be treated for pests, whether a home, hotel, hospital, or garden, is thoroughly examined. The team includes experts in selecting effective materials for pest eradication and specialized technicians in spraying the appropriate pesticide.


The key steps in pest control strategy that the company follows include inspecting homes to identify the type of pest, selecting the appropriate pesticide, preparing equipment, covering furniture, lifting textiles, spraying pesticide, and sanitizing the house after spraying.


Al-Adiliyah Pest Control Company excels in providing the finest types of pesticides and using highly modern techniques and equipment in pesticide spraying. The company also provides comprehensive services in the field of pest control for various places including homes, hotels, factories, and warehouses.


Using various pesticides such as Deltamethrin, Sulfothrin, Diazinon, and Fipronil, the company effectively combats pests, ensuring the elimination of insects and reducing their spread in homes and other facilities.


In addition, the company offers multiple services including pest detection, providing necessary security precautions, and combating cockroaches in kitchens and other areas.


By offering high-quality services and adhering to international standards in the field of pest control, Al-Adiliyah Pest Control Company remains a trusted partner for customers in Kuwait.

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