Effective and safe ways to combat bed bugs

Effective and safe ways to combat bed bugs

Effective and safe ways to combat bed bugs

When you lie in bed every night, the last thing you want to think about is bed bugs. Unfortunately, bed bugs are very common.

In this article, we'll share some of our top tips for getting rid of bed bugs yourself - without pesticides - and when to contact a pest control company.


What is the bed bugs?

Bed bugs (cimex lectularius) are small, flat, invasive insects that depend on the blood of sleepers and animals as their only food source.

These unattractive insects are red-brown in color and 1 to 7 mm in length. They depend on blood to keep them alive and can go several months without food.

Since a healthy female can lay up to 500 eggs in her lifetime, you could end up with a serious infection in just a matter of weeks.





Signs of a bed bug infestation in your home

Bed bug bite: Bed bugs are very small—typically no larger than the tip of a pen—so they can be difficult to spot at first. If you think there are bed bugs in your home, watch out for these signs:

Evidence of insects themselves, such as shed skin from bed bugs, black droppings in the seams of the mattress, or other objects.

Bites, bruises, or bumps on your body in the morning after getting out of bed. Small blood spots on sheets or pillowcases. Bad smell in your room or around your bed. While you realize that you have bed bugs can be annoying, identifying them is the first step to treating them.


How to get rid of bed bugs: 5 steps to take

Remove bed bugs. Once the infestation is located, it is time to fight. Follow these steps to get rid of pests:

The first step: identify the endemic areas

Since bed bugs reproduce quickly, it is essential to find them before they start breeding. With this in mind, check the following areas for signs of bed bugs:

The seams of your mattress and the crevices between the bed frame and headboard. Between the sofa cushions and along the edges of the cushions. And along the carpet seam where the carpet meets the wall. And in the joints of furniture such as sofas and chairs featured.

Use a flashlight and check each area carefully. Look for small, dark or rust-colored droppings, live bed bugs, or small eggs that appear pale yellow.

If you find signs of bed bugs in any of these places, also check the bedside table, dresser drawers, and dresser.





Step two: pest control

Once you have identified an active bed bug infestation, you must control it so that it does not spread. One quick and easy way to control these insects is to vacuum them up.

To control live bed bugs, thoroughly clean your mattress, the insides of the cupboard, the seams and joints of your furniture, carpets, and anywhere else you notice signs of bed bugs.

When you're finished, put the contents of the vacuum cleaner canister into a plastic bag and throw it away.

Once all affected areas have been vacuumed, wash and dry linens, clothing, and other textiles in hot water and at a high temperature in the dryer. If you can't wash and dry something (a sofa pillow for example), use steam to kill bed bugs instead.

Keep in mind that this will not get rid of a bed bug infestation - it will only get rid of adult bed bugs. If you leave the eggs of bed bugs, they may hatch and cause a secondary infestation.


Step Three: Kill Bed Bugs

Now is the time to actually get rid of bed bugs for good. Here's how:


Three natural home remedies

Get rid of bed bugs naturally with heat or cold

Temperature is an effective way to get rid of bed bugs. With this in mind, collect affected bedding or clothing and wash it in very hot water for 30 minutes.

Once the wash cycle is finished, dry the items in the dryer on the highest heat possible for at least 30 minutes.

Alternatively, you can place infected items at a lower temperature of at least 0 degrees Fahrenheit. Leave it for four days to make sure all the bed bugs are dead.

Pros of this method: non-toxic, easy and effective.

Cons of this method: Not possible for all items or materials.


• Use steam

To kill bed bugs without exterminator: Use a steamer on mattresses, couches, and other places where bed bugs hide.

Pros of this method: Safe, easy and effective, and can be used as a preventative and treatment to kill bed bugs.

Disadvantages of this method: It requires a steamer, which is not available to everyone and may damage some materials or fabrics.


• Mattress Covering

Purchase bed bug covers to put around your mattress. When fully compressed, these covers will prevent bed bugs from entering and will kill the bed bugs trapped inside. They also form a protective barrier that prevents bed bugs from biting you while you sleep.

Pros of this method: effective, affordable, non-toxic and simple to use.

Cons of this method: It does not remove bed bugs from the mattress.


Step Four: Observe the affected areas

A bed bug infestation can take weeks or even months to eradicate.

To make sure your treatment has been successful, check the affected area once a week for a few months. If you notice new signs of bed bug activity, treat the area again.




Step 5: Hire a bed bug control company

The quickest and most effective way to get rid of bed bugs is to hire a professional exterminator. The specialist will assess the infestation of bed bugs and develop a plan to remove all insects and restore peace and tranquility in your home.


Can bed bugs survive extermination?

Adult bed bugs cannot survive extermination. However, it is important to note that extermination will not always kill bed bug eggs. That's why we recommend regular checks for bed bugs after the initial infestation has been treated.

These checks will detect bed bugs Newly hatched and provides follow-up bed bug treatments as needed to eliminate them.

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