Get rid of bees without killing them

Get rid of bees without killing them

Finding yourself up against a swarm of bees installed in your garden, in your walls, or even in your attic can raise very legitimate concerns. What do you do in such a situation? Calling a professional is the best solution. Bees, protected species or not? Contrary to popular belief on the subject, bees are not on the list of protected species. However, it is in the collective interest not to kill the bees and not to attempt to destroy their hive. In fact, in addition to their ability to make honey, bees are actively involved in the pollination of our environment. Their eventual disappearance, which had already begun with agricultural pesticides, would be an environmental disaster. Get rid of bees without killing them The easiest and most responsible way to get rid of bees is to call a beekeeper. The latter knows the most effective methods of anesthetizing bees, thus rendering them harmless so that they can move the entire hive safely. Any late arrivals will continue to move to the cell's new location. Do not attempt to smoke bees yourself. This delicate process can be especially dangerous for beginners. Unfortunately, depending on where you are, it can be difficult for you to find a beekeeper who is willing to travel. In this case, your legitimate reaction would be to contact the fire department. Know that this army corps only engages in this kind of interference in public. There are still private companies, which charge more for moving a beehive than for simply exterminating them. In case of damage If your house is damaged during the process, due to the need to break a piece of the wall to gain access to the hive, for example, ask the professional who intervenes in your home for a certificate of force majeure. This will be used to justify a claim for reimbursement from your insurance company.

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