German cockroaches and how to combat and eliminate them permanently

German cockroaches and how to combat and eliminate them permanently

German cockroaches are the most common type of cockroach found all over the world . Although German cockroach infestations are found in a number of populated places, restaurants, food processing plants, hospitals, nursing homes, and other institutional facilities are most commonly associated with them . Read on to find out where they live in the house and how to combat and eliminate them . German cockroaches Adult German cockroaches have flat bodies, tan or brown, and start from the back of the head with two adjacent dark stripes . Although they cannot fly, they have fully developed wings. The majority of these crickets are relatively small, varying in length from 1/2 to 5/8 inches. The female reproduces rapidly and produces up to 40 eggs at a time over the course of her life . When the nymph emerges from the egg shell and sheds its outer skin, it looks a bit like an adult, but is smaller, darker and wingless . Where do German cockroaches live? They are often found indoors although they can survive outdoors in tropical environments with a preference for warmer, wetter areas of buildings . In homes, these cockroaches are usually found in kitchens and bathrooms, but in the presence of food and moisture, they can move to other areas of the house . The German cockroach prefers to hide in a dark, quiet and safe place from humans. The German cockroach can easily move in and out of small spaces including many cracks in your home due to its wide, flat shape . These include the warmest places in the house such as wires and electronics (such as televisions and computers), under sinks, and appliances such as stoves and dishwashers . What do German cockroaches feed on? These cockroaches feed on almost everything Such as starches, sweets, meat, bread, broth and all other meals that humans or pets can eat . Cockroaches can also consume book covers, glue, soap and toothpaste. Cockroaches can live for up to thirty (30) days without food but will become dehydrated if deprived of moisture for more than two weeks . life cycle The German cockroach has three life stages: egg, nymph, and adult and in about 100 days the entire life cycle is completed . However, the time taken to complete the life cycle can be affected by factors such as temperature, nutrition, species difference and other factors, with several simultaneous generations being able to reproduce continuously . Females can produce more than 400 eggs during their lifetime and have an average lifespan of only three to six months . How to fight German cockroaches Here are the best ways to get rid of these insects : 1. bait her A precisely formulated mixture of food, water and insecticides is a safe way to combat cockroaches hiding behind walls and in crevices and crevices . Place the bait in kitchens, bathrooms, closets, and anywhere else you notice activity . They are tempted by food and then take the deadly bait back to share with the rest of the colony . 2. Insect spray . Spraying German cockroaches with an insecticide that kills bugs is another option . If you have a group of cockroach baits, do not use this method because the cockroaches must be alive to share the bait with other cockroaches . 3. Prevent her from entering the house . These cockroaches are insects that carry bacteria and viruses and cause many problems, so avoiding the entry of potential cockroaches is vital and important . Therefore, you can put an insect barrier that eliminates cockroaches and prevents them from entering your home, which is a spray that helps in controlling and controlling them . Some additional tips to help prevent it from entering your home • Store your food and pet food in airtight boxes or the refrigerator . for a long time . • Do not leave garbage, food waste or other waste exposed or indoors . • Repair tanks, basins and leaking pipes . • Don't forget to clean up crumbs and spills on countertops, shelves, and floors, and wash and dry soiled dishes every day . • Get used to getting rid of clutter periodically . • Seal and seal holes, cracks, and other small gaps in the home. Yes, hygiene plays a role in helping to control and eliminate insects, but it is possible to find cockroaches everywhere, even in the cleanest homes . What are the companies responsible for controlling these insects in Kuwait? Here are the best companies that can eliminate these insects, as follows : • German cockroach control company Hawally . • German cockroach control company Ahmadi . • As well as the German cockroach control company Abdullah Al-Mubarak . • German cockroach control company Salmiya .

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