Get rid of cockroaches the easiest way

Get rid of cockroaches the easiest way

Get rid of cockroaches the easiest way Getting rid of cockroaches inside the house is one of the most common topics that housewives discuss in their meetings. Eliminating cockroaches or insects in your home is very difficult because cockroaches multiply quickly and can live for a long time without food and water What is cockroach The cockroach is an insect from the family of cockroaches, where there are about 4600 species of cockroaches, of which types feed on the remains of human food, and there are 4 types known as a pest, and these types are the largest in size compared to other species. Cockroaches are one of the oldest domestic insects that humans have discovered through the ages, as they were discovered 320 million years ago in the Carboniferous era. After knowing the origin of the cockroach and to which species it belongs, you may wonder why cockroaches were created and do they have any benefits? What are the ways to get rid of cockroaches? In this article, we will discuss many aspects of cockroaches Benefits of cockroaches After several attempts to get rid of cockroaches using home recipes, I discovered that cockroaches have many benefits Creating new medicines A group of veterinary researchers has discovered that there are tissues in the brains of all small cockroaches that are suitable for use as powerful bio-flashes for types of bacteria resistant to antibiotics that cause the killing of many people. It has been scientifically proven that cockroach brain tissue can eliminate 90% of staphylococcal infections. The methicillin-resistant gold is known as MRSA, so we can use these tissues to treat many diseases spread in the world. It is worth noting that the Chinese have been using cockroaches to treat many diseases for thousands of years, such as blood clots, baldness, and gastritis. Liver and so on, and therefore we need a large number of cockroaches, which made there an urgent need to establish farms to breed them Cockroaches are food for many animals Cockroaches spread in abundance, especially in natural environments far from humans, and they are food for a number of other animals whose presence is necessary for people, including birds and some mammals, so we can say that they are a link in the food chain. Cockroaches help pollinate plants Cockroaches play an important role in the life cycle of plants. As they walk over plants in search of food, they transfer pollen grains from one plant to another, helping the plants in the process of pollination and reproduction. Behavior of housewives when you see a cockroach When we girls watch a cockroach passing by, we panic and jump like superheroes in the air and maybe hit our heads on the ceiling and this behavior is accompanied by a feeling of disgust and some housewives gather their strength and spray insecticides on those annoying insects to kill them. I can't say for sure whether men have the same feelings we feel when seeing those pesky bugs Reasons for cockroaches in the house In the beginning, you should realize that the easiest way to get rid of cockroaches and eliminate them is to know the reasons for their presence and get rid of them forever, in this part of the article we will address the most important reasons for the presence of such insects in homes, especially in the kitchen, and we will find a final solution to them Leave food uncovered One of the most common reasons for the presence of cockroaches in homes and kitchens is to leave food without a cover because these pests do not care much about the type of food. All that occupies the thinking of these cockroaches is to get food, and you can conclude that the most important way to get rid of these cockroaches is to put the food in an airtight container and you have to get rid of it Constantly from breadcrumbs, sugar and leftovers. You should also bear in mind that there are some cockroaches that are attracted to some types of cardboard or wood, as their food is not limited to food only. Wet and dark places Some of us think that getting rid of food leftovers and keeping the place clean on an ongoing basis will help him eliminate cockroaches, but this is not true. Did you know that cockroaches can survive without food for at least a month, as they head to the dark and damp places that help them survive For a long time and also provide them with protection from predators and to get rid of cockroaches, you have to keep an eye on these areas on a regular basis. One of the things that amazed me when I extensively researched about cockroaches is that there are some species that like to live inside microwaves, electrical appliances and children’s toys as well, in order to avoid attacking predatory animals and to avoid human harassment, so we always advise you to check electrical appliances and warm and quiet places, whether in your kitchen or In your home in general. plants and weeds If you suffer from plants and weeds in your home garden, make sure that you are definitely suffering from cockroaches, as they are very attracted to these plants to feed on, so I make sure the garden is clean and the places around the house are disinfected. The smartest tricks to get rid of cockroaches You will not be happy when you find cockroaches in the corners of your house, and you may find that eliminating these small animals is impossible, especially if you find a large number of them, and sometimes you will have to call some specialists to help you in this regard, but before doing this step we advise you to try one of these methods Use vinegar and essential oils to get rid of cockroaches Scientists have discovered that some essential oils enable you to eliminate cockroaches permanently. There is a so-called method of getting rid of cockroaches by vinegar. Mix 2 parts of water, 1 part of white vinegar and 10 drops of peppermint oil and spray it on the place where there are roaches, this mixture will not It will kill cockroaches if you touch them, but will keep them out of the way. Moreover you can

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