Causes of the emergence of insects and the damage caused by insects

Causes of the emergence of insects and the damage caused by insects

Causes of the emergence of insects and the damage caused by insects

There are many reasons that lead to bringing insects into the house, the most important of which are:


exposed food.

The holes on the roots through which they enter.

The accumulation of waste and excreta in the place.

Lots of things around the house.

The presence of wooden furniture.

Stagnant water and dampness in place.



Insect damage

There are many damages caused by household insects, the most important of which are:


Big inconvenience to the family to see insects everywhere in the house.

Infection with diseases and health problems as a result of their presence in the place.

Infection of the skin with a disease as a result of the accumulation of insects in the house.

Food spoilage as a result of its presence in the kitchen or anywhere in the house.

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